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…and resiliency of farmers while simultaneously advancing the company’s progress against its science-based climate commitment to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in its global supply chains by 30% per ton of product…
“Soil Wealth” is what we call the constellation of benefits associated with building both soil health and community wealth through regenerative agriculture.
…both financial and environmental benefits. Together, we can help farmers build drought resilience, increase yield stability, reduce nutrient loss and increase carbon sequestration.””
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…we understand about the impact of fire on terrestrial ecosystems comes from many decades of research on the effects of forest and prairie fires on plant communities and succession, nutrient…
Those limitations are resources, technologies and – to a degree – acceptance by land-grant universities to make soil health a greater priority, he said.
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Farmers who complete the survey by Mid-May are eligible for a $100 gift card and it should take no more than 5-10 minutes. Please complete the survey at