“Precision Management for Soil Health” Field Day in Cherokee, Alabama

The “Precision Management for Soil Health” field day was hosted by SHI on June 6, 2024, at SHI Farmer Mentor Shane Isbell’s farm in Cherokee, Alabama. The 60 attendees received an overview of the USRCF initiative and SHI’s benchmarking work from Soil Health Educator Jessica Kelton, who also encouraged attendees to sign up for soil sampling. Isbell shared his experiences on farming with his family. Dr. Rishi Prasad, Auburn University Extension, and Curt Knight, Yara North America Soil Health Agronomist, discussed phosphorus use, soil fertility, and soil health. Jake Harris, Southern Crop Services, and Dr. Steve Li, Auburn University Extension, demonstrated using drones on the farm for spot applications — resulting in reduced inputs — and using drones to seed cover crops. 

Thank you to Alabama Farm Credit for sponsoring the meal and to Jessica Kelton for facilitating this field day!

Jake Harris, Southern Crop Services, demonstrated using drones on the farm for spot applications.

Video and photos were taken by Jessica Kelton, SHI Soil Health Educator.

If you want to contact an SHI Soil Health Educator, Technical Specialist, or Farmer Mentor, please visit our Contacts page.